"Dreaming of trout"
36" x 48" - Gypsum on a custom-made cradled hardboard, and a maple frame.
My fishscapes are inspired by many hours spent as a child watching fish under the dock, or through the ice. I used to do this for so long that I would literally see swimming fish when I closed my eyes, and had to quiet my mind to fall asleep. These works honour those memories, and remind me to let my imagination run wild. All fishscapes take on a new life depending on the lighting. In low light conditions, shadows of each trout appear.
Dreaming of Trout
Please note that the price above does not include shipping fees. After purchase, the artist will contact you to determine the most economical way to get you your new artwork! Options range from free local pick-up (Saskatchewan), regular mail, express mail, and custom wooden crates for extra protection.